Eventos > Alumni Learning Program – Negócios e Digitalização
Digitalization is the answer but, what was the question?
We are living in the digital era, but what is digital transformation? How can we be sure that our organizations and us are ready for that? How can organizations overcome the barriers and breakthrough to achieve fully digital operations and deliver sustained value at scale?
In this digital new world, new technologies will take center stage, alongside new business models and new strategic imperatives.
Despite an excellent digital adoption, the principle that should guide organizations is the development of innovation with a purpose.
In addition, businesses should use their digital investments to build solid relationships with customers, employees, and partners.
They should use the technology to allow customer experiences to be deeply customized and personalized.
Ecosystem-driven businesses must stay connected to other organizations in order to thrive in the digital world.
The workforce of the future will be empowered by their skills and knowledge, as well as through new waves of technology that augment and enhance worker capabilities.
Rosa Garcia Garcia
Member of the Board at Mapfre, EDPR and Sener. She is the Chairwoman of Exolum too.
She has more than ten years of experience as a Non-Executive Director of the Board for several IBEX companies including Banesto, Bolsas y Mercados Españoles, Acerinox and Bankinter. In every company, she has been either a member of the audit and control committee or of the nominations and remuneration committee.
She was member of the Board at the Asociación para el Progreso de la Direccion (APD), member of the Advisory Board for the Universidad Europea de Madrid and Vice-president of Consejo Social de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. In addition, she was the President of the German Chamber of Commerce in Spain from 2016 to 2018.
She has been recognized with numerous awards and accolades. AED (the most prestigious Spanish CEO association) named García “Spanish CEO of the Year”. In addition, she was awarded by the President of Germany the Cross of Merit, one of the highest civilian honor that can be granted in the country.
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A gravação integral da sessão será disponibilizada, nas condições autorizadas pelo orador, exclusivamente aos inscritos que tenham comprovadamente assistido à sessão.
8 de março de 2022
Das 18:h00 às 19h00
Data limite de inscrição
7 de março de 2022
Ficha de inscrição
As inscrições estão fechadas para este evento.
Luís Dias
Tlf (+351) 217 221 530