Business model innovation in uncertain and complex times - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos

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Business model innovation in uncertain and complex times

VUCA, the acronym of Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous, may be a term that has its origins in the military, but seems to be characterizing pretty well the world we currently live. This is quite known.

What is perhaps less understood, rarely discussed and perhaps not even fully recognized is the relationship between increasing complexity or uncertainty and the tendency to refer to he importance of business model innovation. Leaders and senior executives across industries, in fact, increasingly claim that “business model innovation is a priority”. Why? What does this claim mean, in essence? How can we think about it in practice and pragmatically?

Answering these questions requires to appreciate that there are distinct ways to think about business model innovation. They are related but not the same. What possible ways of thinking about business models we have?

It also requires understanding that, from a decision-making standpoint, there are distinct classes of challenges that managers in companies are confronted with. Each implies a different relationship between cause and effect and, in turn, requires different leadership styles. Interestingly, business model innovation happens to fall outside more normal challenges for which companies are generally better organized. What types of challenges we can think of, and which one resemble the innovation of business models?

Building on these premises, this talk aims at illustrating a pragmatic way of thinking about innovation of business models and offer an answer to the related questions.


Lorenzo Massa, B.Eng. M.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D.
Business School Aalborg University
Aalborg University (AAU)

Lorenzo Massa researches, teaches, consults, and speaks in the fields of strategy, innovation, design and sustainability. He is Managing Director of the Business Design Lab and Full Professor at Business School Aalborg University. Lorenzo is also member of the World Economic Forum’s expert network for Innovation and adjunct faculty for executive education at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the International Academy of Sport Science and Technology (AISTS), Frankfurt School of Finance and Management as well as Bologna Business School (BBS).

His research lies at the intersection of Strategy, Innovation and Sustainability and has been published on outlets such as the Academy of Management Annals, the Journal of Management and the Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management, and the Oxford Encyclopedia of Business and Management among others. He holds graduate degrees with distinctions in Mechanical Engineering from the Dublin Institute of Technology (B.Eng.) and the University of Genoa (M.Sc. Eng.) and an MRM and Ph.D. in Management from IESE Business School.




Membros do Agrupamento de Alumni da AESE | Gratuito
Alumni e Geral | 20 €

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23 de setembro de 2021


Às 18:h00

Data limite de inscrição

21 de setembro de 2021

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As inscrições estão fechadas para este evento.



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