AESE covid safe - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos

About AESE > Executive Education programs resume classes at AESE Business School Campus, as of the 19th of April 2021

Covid Safe

AESE has reopened its doors to in person activities, with the same quality and with enhanced measures of protection and security.

The presence of participants, teachers and collaborators promises to return to the School the life that is proper to it. At the same time, online activities that are already part of the AESEs’ way of being and teaching will be maintained.

The reorganization of spaces and teams, as well as the implementation of some extraordinary measures and new individual and collective routines were some of the changes made so that everyone can enjoy the school in security.

Since June 2020, AESE Business School has maintained the Covid Safe seal of APCER – Portuguese Certification Association, developed following the COVID-19 pandemic, with the aim of restoring the trust and safety of employees, customers, and partners in returning to work and opening the economy.



Organization of spaces

Strengthening hygiene

Availability of alcohol-gel

Guarantee Distance

Permanent Use of Identification and Mask

  1. Inside the AESE building and in the garage, the permanent use of mask was established (masks can be provided, when necessary).
  2. Disinfectant gel dispensers have been placed in multiple sites to allow for more frequent hand disinfection.
  3. Temperature will be monitored at the entrance to the building.
  4. The routes for access and circulation in the AESE building are defined and clearly marked.
  5. Some activities and services have been reformulated to mitigate risks, without harming the quality of the programs.
  6. Only the persons who are strictly necessary for the functioning of the school and face-to-face activities should be in the AESE.
  7. Hygiene and clean air procedures will be strengthened in all of AESEs’ spaces.
  8. The spaces, teams and services were reorganized to ensure distance and to minimize social intersection.
  9. A clear signage has been constructed so that the established measures and routines are respected by all.
  10. All measures and routines were clearly communicated to employees, participants, teachers, Alumni and some partners.


  • The Group Work will take place in person.
  • Meals at AESE will be taken with appropriate security measures.
  • All rooms are cleaned and aired between classes.
  • Upon arrival at the AESE, each person must put on a mask, disinfect his or her hands and register at the concierge. You will be given an identifier, indicating the team you are part of and the spaces you can access.
  • While at AESE, it is important to adopt the physical distance between people recommended by the Portuguese regulators (1 meter outside and 1.5-2 meters inside).
  • In this same sense, the entrance and exit of the classroom should be made in an orderly manner and the places to be occupied are indicated.
  • The maximum capacity of some common spaces is clearly identified and should not be exceeded.
  • The measures and routines defined and the signage available give each one clear guidelines that must be respected.


Reorganization of spaces 

In the classrooms, participants will be distributed to ensure defined distance.
Program times will be optimized in order to avoid having more than one program at the same time, in the space.
To ensure clean air, air flow will be set at all times, preferably keeping the doors and windows open.
Some spaces will not work at this phase and will remain closed.
There is an isolation room on the 4th floor.

The maximum capacity of some common spaces has been determined:

  • The lift can be used by 1 person at a time.
  • The toilet can be used by 1 person at a time.
  • The oratory can receive up to 4 people simultaneously.

Reorganization of teams

As far as possible, AESE employees will continue to work in mirror teams or teleworking. Thus, at every moment, only the people strictly necessary for the functioning of the school and the face-to-face activities should be in the AESE.

The support teams (program direction, assistants, cleaning staff, etc.) were reorganized to be allocated exclusively to specific areas. 3 teams were created:

  • Staff
  • Team 2 – with access to Floors 1 and 2
  • Team 3 – with access to Floors 3 and 4

A rotating regime has also been established in the teams and saturday activities are reduced to the essentials.
At the entrance to the AESE, all persons (employees, participants, teachers, and visitors) will be integrated into one of the defined teams thereby guiding them in relation to the procedures and areas to which they have access.
The Program Directors are at AESE only on program days.
Teachers are present only during the classes they teach.
Participantes are also advised against studying or working at AESE, and only being present at the school on the days of their program.


AESE Business School is ready! Welcome!


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