Agustín Avilés - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos

Faculty > Agustín Avilés

Agustín Avilés

Corporate Strategy
Principal Teaching Fellow

Agustín Avilés is Professor of Business and Negotiation Policy.

Graduated and PhD in Naval Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, he has an MBA from IESE.

The Professor was Director of production in the naval sector (5 years), Director of technical projects (5 years), Director of programs and international working groups (6 years) and Deputy Director-General at a business school (1.5 years).

His professional experience includes 7 years in General Management consultancy at The Mac Group, Global Business & Finance and other international consultants in Madrid. He is currently a partner in a Spanish consulting group in Madrid and an independent director.

As a teacher he was an Adjunct Professor at E.T.S. Ingenieros Navales at the U. Politécnica de Madrid, Faculty member of the Madrid Business School, Collaborating Professor at the Centro de Estudios Superiores de la Defensa Nacional (CESEDEN) and Collaborator at the Instituto Internacional San Telmo, Seville, since 1992.

He has been a Collaborating Professor at Escuela de Guerra Naval and at the Centro de Estudios Superiores de Intendencia de la Armada since 1993. He is a Collaborating Professor at the Institución Empresarial Europea, Madrid, a member of the faculty of AESE – School of Management and Business, in Lisbon, and at IESE, in Madrid.

Prof. Agustín Avilés won the UPM Extraordinary Prize (1985), two crosses of Naval Merit (1988 and 2000) and an Honorable Mention from the Directorate of Enseñanza Naval – Ministry of Defense (2005).

Academic publications
He is the author of books, cases, articles and publications of a technical-naval nature, Negotiation and Company Policy.

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