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[av_heading heading='DEEP' tag='h1' style='blockquote modern-quote' size='48' subheading_active='subheading_above' subheading_size='12' padding='15' color='custom-color-heading' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='']
Executive Education > Online and in-person
[av_textblock size='18' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='']
DEEP is a management programme aimed at today's fast-paced, time-strapped executives who appreciate a flexible and highly effective training environment.
Taught by a group of professors from AESE and the prestigious IESE Business School network, it has live participants from seven countries on four continents.
DEEP aims to provide senior managers with a range of solid management skills at director level, from People Management to topics such as Digital Transformation Management, favouring practical learning, strongly linked to the business context and with a strong international vocation. Taking part in DEEP will open doors for you to interact with managers from different countries.
[av_hr class='invisible' height='70' shadow='no-shadow' position='center' custom_border='av-border-thin' custom_width='50px' custom_border_color='' custom_margin_top='30px' custom_margin_bottom='30px' icon_select='yes' custom_icon_color='' icon='ue808' font='entypo-fontello' av-small-hide='aviaTBav-small-hide' av-mini-hide='aviaTBav-mini-hide' admin_preview_bg='']
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The entire content structure, timing, duration and layout of the DEEP Programme have been designed to ensure a fluid and enjoyable learning experience for the Participant in terms of personal and family time management, as well as maximising performance in the company.
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[av_toggle title='Methodology' tags='']
DEEP integrates several complementary learning methods in a highly effective way.
Case Method
Created by Harvard Business School over 100 years ago - which attests to its validity and effectiveness - this method is the basis of the training process at AESE and IESE Business School.
Action and Simulation
Online simulations from Harvard Business School and Ross School of Business aim to accelerate and consolidate learning by linking management decisions to business results.
Serious Games
Role play and game play are also used to foster decision-making skills, negotiation and the defence of predefined points of view.
[av_toggle title='Benefits for you' tags='']
DEEP is the right programme for you:
Acquiring solid, practical knowledge in the various components of Management in an efficient manner.
Taking on managerial responsibilities for which you feel you need to be better prepared or want to successfully launch your own project.
Lead or be involved in a company or institution's digital transformation process.
Gaining more confidence in decision-making, a more global vision of the company, new skills and more strategic thinking.
Acquire an international perspective, with new visions and networking.
[av_toggle title='Benefits to the organisation' tags='']
DEEP is the key to unlocking an international management vision, based on the knowledge of IESE's prestigious global network, with real-time, teacher-led sessions from 7 geographies, based on 4 continents.
DEEP favours management with People at the heart of the organisation and the business, with:
A short- and long-term vision
Trends and new concepts
Preparation for innovation
Efficiency and management
Strategy in action.
[av_toggle title='Academic programme ' tags='']
The DEEP programme aims to develop strategic skills with renowned experts, establish global connections and continuous learning, and grow professionally with real impact.
Short and long term vision
Strategy and business model
Investment analysis
Decision criteria
Leading the organisation
Efficiency and management
Operational Planning
Operational finance
Management control systems
Negotiation skills
Readiness for innovation
Customer focus
Innovation as strategy
Local and global economy
Competing in the digital age
Strategy in action
Developing and implementing a business plan
From product to market
Competing through operations
Commercial efficiency
Putting people first
Leading myself and others
Social impact
Ethical decision making
Managing yourself
Decentralised talent management
Trends and emerging concepts
Artificial Intelligence
Data Science
Cyber security
Business Sustainability
Corporate Social Responsibility
[av_toggle title='Mentoring' tags='']
DEEP has four individual mentoring sessions, arranged directly with teachers chosen by the participants.
These mentoring sessions are designed to accompany the participants in their development, allowing them to take a deeper look at personal reflections, projects and career plans, with a sense of responsibility to contribute to a better society.
[av_toggle title='Gateway to AESE executive education programmes ' tags='']
DEEP is more than a starting point, it's your entry into the world of AESE Business School.
By joining DEEP, you benefit from special conditions for participating in Short Programmes and other 1st Business programmes in Portugal, during the programme and for up to 1 year after completion.
[av_toggle title='Partners ' tags='']
ANECRA - Associação Nacional das Empresas do Comércio e Reparação Automóvel and AESE have established a Partnership Protocol to promote Executive Training, guaranteeing the acquisition and improvement of skills in the automotive sector in Portugal. ANECRA members have advantageous conditions in terms of the DEEP.
[av_toggle title='Next edition' tags='']
DEEP will be held online from 18 March to 27 June 2024.
The content will be taught via an online platform, with synchronous classes and conferences.
The regularity of the sessions will allow participants to continuously learn and improve their decision-making skills. In a process of self-knowledge and self-government - with immediate application in the company, the broadening of the business vision, a better understanding of problems, synthesis and first-person decision-making are fundamental elements for the development of relational skills such as the ability to listen, co-operation, negotiation and influence, which will always be present in our sessions.
[av_toggle title='Price' tags='']
5.500 €
15% benefit on the total cost of the programme for ANECRA members
Special conditions for groups from the same company wishing to reskill/upskill their staff.
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[av_heading tag='h2' padding='10' heading='Testimonials' color='custom-color-heading' style='blockquote modern-quote' custom_font='' size='48' subheading_active='' subheading_size='12' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='']
Programas Executivos > Executive MBA AESE
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Graça Sousa Pintogracaspinto@aese.ptPhone: (+351) 217 221 530
[av_hr class='invisible' height='30' shadow='no-shadow' position='center' custom_border='av-border-thin' custom_width='50px' custom_border_color='' custom_margin_top='30px' custom_margin_bottom='30px' icon_select='yes' custom_icon_color='' icon='ue808' font='entypo-fontello' av-desktop-hide='aviaTBav-desktop-hide' av-medium-hide='aviaTBav-medium-hide' admin_preview_bg='']
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Graça Sousa Pintogracaspinto@aese.ptPhone: (+351) 217 221 530
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A Two-week Summer School, following the Harvard case method, in a lively and interactive environment aimed at undergraduate students or recent graduates, designed as a first in-depth contact with the business world.
Rodrigo Melo
AESE Summer School Director
Lúcia Vasco
AESE Summer School Director
[av_hr class='invisible' height='70' shadow='no-shadow' position='center' custom_border='av-border-thin' custom_width='50px' custom_border_color='' custom_margin_top='30px' custom_margin_bottom='30px' icon_select='yes' custom_icon_color='' icon='ue808' font='entypo-fontello' admin_preview_bg='']
[av_image src='https://www.aese.pt/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Summer-School-2025_banner-patrocinadores.jpg' attachment='8221645' attachment_size='full' align='left' styling='' hover='' link='' target='' caption='' font_size='' appearance='' overlay_opacity='0.4' overlay_color='#000000' overlay_text_color='#ffffff' animation='no-animation' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_image]
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[av_toggle title='Goals' tags='']
Step into the world of business with the 2025 AESE Summer School!
Unleash your potential this summer. Apply to be part of the 12th edition of the AESE Summer School in the summer of 2025 and start building your future today.
Gain a solid foundation in business concepts
Sharpen your problem-solving and decision-making skills
Connect with like-minded peers and global companies.
At AESE Summer School you may expect:
Dynamic Learning and Real-World Challenges
Collaborate with peers to solve real business challenges posed by industry leaders, including:
Accenture | Grupo ETE | BCG | EDP | Bolt,| Mercedes-Benz.io
Expert Mentorship
Present your solutions to top executives and receive invaluable feedback.
[av_toggle title='Participants profile' tags='']
For ambitious undergraduate students or recent graduates eager to develop their skills and network with industry professionals.
[av_toggle title='Case Method' tags='']
The programme follows the Harvard Case Method, covering areas such as:
Company Policy
Operations, Human Resources
and Social Responsibility.
The Harvard Case Method is a learning model which departs from individual business case studying, then, in small teams, the case is discussed and brainstormed and finally the whole class is engaged in a rich and insightful debate which is highly enriched by the different backgrounds and perspectives brought by students.
[av_toggle title='When' tags='']
From 7th to 18h July, 2025
A two-week programme aimed at undergraduate students or recent graduates, designed as a first in-depth contact with the business world.
[av_toggle title='Where' tags='']
AESE Business School | Lisbon
[av_toggle title='Language' tags='']
[av_toggle title='Tuition' tags='']
General applications | 900 €:
Applications after May 1st | 1,000 €: .
Children and grandchildren of AESE Alumni and Members and of AESE Sponsor Companies | 750 €
All prices include VAT Early registration is encouraged.
Application deadline | 25th May, 2025.
«Developing the talent of leaders is a success factor for PGL. Participants acquire a comprehensive understanding of the essentials of the various dimensions of the company and a greater dexterity in addressing the main challenges of their organization, in the awareness of themselves, their limits, strengths and points for improvement. In a rich and intense learning “laboratory”, you will know tools, concepts and have the opportunity to transform your potential into high performance.»
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The PGL is structured in such a way that the participants develop the necessary knowledge to be better managers and leaders. The transformation process and the development of the participants' skills is complemented with Executive Coaching activities. PGL provides the improvement of self-knowledge and the obtaining of tools for personal and professional development, namely in the behavioral and managerial aspects.
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[av_toggle_container initial='1' mode='accordion' sort='' styling='av-minimal-toggle' colors='custom' font_color='#f37421' background_color='#dcded9' border_color='']
[av_toggle title='Goals' tags='']
Improve Decision Making
Acquire a more detailed understanding of how to make effective, consistent and aligned decisions with the company's strategy
Develop trading tools
Build trust
Acquire a leader's vision.
Build the knowledge
Explore fundamental concepts of management and the different functions of business organizations, in a global economic context
Acquire a general perspective on the organization
Learn about the main trends in each of the management areas.
Create your Leadership Style
Develop the ability to manage information and learn to analyze complex business problems
Lead and work as a team, becoming more effective in interpersonal communication
Learn techniques to motivate, align and manage teams with integrity.
Executive Coaching
Improve your self-knowledge, and awareness of your strengths and improvement points
Use personal development tools, and build your action plan
Get an external view of yourself and your skills through individual coaching sessions.
At the same time, the company benefits by:
Develop new leaders focused on achieving results, who understand the value of teamwork and the long-term business vision
Empower managers with the ability to create and manage high-performance teams
Maximize the return on investment in training for the organization.
[av_toggle title='Structure' tags='']
The PGL is structured so that participants develop the knowledge needed to be better managers. Throughout the Programme, framework sessions will also be developed, where macroeconomic issues are analysed, and colloquiums with guests, entrepreneurs and managers who share their life experiences.
Personal development and leadership
People and team management
Conflict resolution
Organization culture
Leader's personality
Communication and persuasion
Time and information management
Financial management
Accounting basics
Management control
Financial analysis and diagnosis
Analysis of investment projects.
Business Management
Processes, flows and capabilities
Continuous improvement
Project management
Demand chain management
Service management
Development of Marketing Policies and Plans
Implementation of the strategy
Market study
Positioning study.
Company Policy
Corporate and international strategy
Creation of sustainable competitive advantages
Business model development.
Executive Coaching
Each participant will be able to participate in an individual and personalized coaching process, carried out with the help of a coach.
[av_toggle title='Case method' tags='']
Leading is only learned ... leading.
That is why learning at AESE is inspired by the Harvard Business School model. When putting applicants in the face of real business conflicts, managers are called to assume the role of decision makers in circumstances similar to their day-to-day activities in organizations. The cases are challenges that require effective responses to a rigorous analysis of limited or even insufficient information, in ambiguous or complex contexts from a political and economic point of view. Individual diagnosis and decisions are negotiated with experienced, talented and ambitious colleagues.
Currently, the Case Method stands out as a sophisticated medium, oriented to transform the potential talent of the participants into a powerful decision-making capacity. AESE remains in the leadership of teaching with the Case Method in Portugal.
The cases produced by AESE are part of the ECCH database, the most used worldwide case repository at the service of international Business Schools.
Phases of the Case Method
The individual case study is followed by a group discussion.
Learning Teams help to prepare cases in a collaborative environment, creating the opportunity to put ideas to the test.
The headquarters' classrooms were specially designed with teaching in mind.
[av_toggle title='Apllicants profile' tags='']
The PGL is aimed at professionals with more than 5 years of experience as a project team manager in large companies; as a functional specialist in medium and large companies; small business manager; businessman, director or store managers.
[av_toggle title='Next editions and duration' tags='']
PGL Oporto will take place from February till July 2025.
The sessions in Oporto are held on Monday afternoons and Tuesday mornings.
PGL Lisbon takes place from October 2024 till February 2025 and takes place at the Edifício Sede, in Lisbon.
Sessions take place on Thursday afternoons at 2:30 pm and on Friday mornings.
The language of the program is Portuguese.
[av_toggle title='Scholarship' tags='']
Bolsa Fundação José de Neves
[av_toggle title='Price' tags='']
7,900 € (+ VAT)
The price includes documentation, support material, catering and parking at AESE, and directive coaching with individual sessions.
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[av_heading tag='h2' padding='10' heading='Testimonials' color='custom-color-heading' style='blockquote modern-quote' custom_font='' size='48' subheading_active='' subheading_size='12' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='']
Programas Executivos > Executive MBA AESE
[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-small-hide='aviaTBav-small-hide' av-mini-hide='aviaTBav-mini-hide' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='']
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[av_button label='VER TODOS' link='manually,/testemunhos?filter_programid=' link_target='' size='large' position='center' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='custom' custom_bg='#f37421' custom_font='#ffffff' admin_preview_bg='']
[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='']
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[/av_cell_one_fourth][av_cell_one_fourth vertical_align='bottom' padding='0px,10px,12px,25px' background_color='' src='http://wordpress.aese.pt/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/contactback-3-251x300.png' attachment='1753' attachment_size='medium' background_attachment='scroll' background_position='bottom right' background_repeat='repeat-x' mobile_display='']
[av_image src='https://www.aese.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Escudo-contacto-e1608287906723.png' attachment='64901' attachment_size='full' align='right' styling='no-styling' hover='' link='' target='' caption='' font_size='' appearance='' overlay_opacity='0.4' overlay_color='#000000' overlay_text_color='#ffffff' animation='no-animation' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_image]
[/av_cell_one_fourth][av_cell_one_fourth vertical_align='bottom' padding='0px,0px,5px,0px' background_color='' src='http://wordpress.aese.pt/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/contactback-3-251x300.png' attachment='1753' attachment_size='medium' background_attachment='scroll' background_position='bottom left' background_repeat='repeat-x' mobile_display='']
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[av_textblock size='20' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='rgb(241, 241, 241)']
Eliana Lucaselianalucas@aese.ptMobile(+351) 931 304 382Phone(+351) 217 221 530
[/av_cell_one_fourth][av_cell_one_fourth vertical_align='top' padding='0px' padding_sync='true' background_color='' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_attachment='scroll' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' mobile_display='']
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[av_hr class='invisible' height='30' shadow='no-shadow' position='center' custom_border='av-border-thin' custom_width='50px' custom_border_color='' custom_margin_top='30px' custom_margin_bottom='30px' icon_select='yes' custom_icon_color='' icon='ue808' font='entypo-fontello' av-desktop-hide='aviaTBav-desktop-hide' av-medium-hide='aviaTBav-medium-hide' admin_preview_bg='']
https://www.aese.pt/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/PGL-2024_Programas-executivos-excerts_540x470px.jpg470540claudiahttps://www.aese.pt/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/AESE_v.03_mono_white_site.pngclaudia2020-09-29 15:29:082024-10-03 15:04:49PGL | Managing and Leading
«In a world in constant change, it is essential that company directors make a stop, create a space that allows them to assess their leadership skills, develop their strategic thinking and increase their flexibility in decision making.
The PDE promotes this personal and professional transformation of managers, stimulating their ability to integrate the company's strategic decisions with the business results. For 29 years, the PDE has been leveraging success stories among its participants, who testify to the Program's contribution to their organizations.»
[av_textblock size='16' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='']
The PDE academic program is complemented with sessions at IESE Madrid. The set of sessions at IESE, in Madrid, allows each participant to learn about different organizational cultures, new ways of doing and thinking about business and new ways of approaching problems. In addition to opening new horizons, contact with paradigmatic business contexts and conferences given by IESE professors, provide participants with a more complete macroeconomic framework.
Develops the management skills needed to lead and implement your organization's strategy
Create lasting professional relationships, gain prestige and grow professionally
Improve your ability to analyze and solve complex problems
Strengthen your leadership through rigorous self-reflection
Get an integrated perspective of the company, improving its effectiveness
Reinforce your knowledge and optimize your trading strategies, overcoming operational challenges and improving your ability to analyze and solve business problems.
Reflection on management style
Analyze in depth the global economic picture and study the new trends and challenges faced by companies
In the sessions at IESE in Madrid, discover different organizational cultures, new ways of doing and thinking about business, new ways of approaching problems and a more complete macroeconomic framework.
[av_toggle title='Applicants profile' tags='']
1st line directors.
[av_toggle title='Partnerships' tags='']
The close collaboration between AESE and the IESE Business School and the more than 20 international schools in the network is reflected in the exchange of teachers, in the development of cases and joint research programs, as well as in the scope of Executive training programs.
The PDE includes a trip to the IESE Business School in Madrid, together with the PDE Porto and PDE Lisbon participants.
[av_toggle title='Case Method' tags='']
Leading is only learned ... leading.
That is why learning at AESE is inspired by the Harvard Business School model. When putting applicants in the face of real business conflicts, managers are called to assume the role of decision makers in circumstances similar to their day-to-day activities in organizations. The cases are challenges that require effective responses to a rigorous analysis of limited or even insufficient information, in ambiguous or complex contexts from a political and economic point of view. Individual diagnosis and decisions are negotiated with experienced, talented and ambitious colleagues.
Currently, the Case Method stands out as a sophisticated medium, oriented to transform the potential talent of the participants into a powerful decision-making capacity. AESE remains in the leadership of teaching with the Case Method in Portugal.
The cases produced by AESE are part of the ECCH database, the most used worldwide case repository at the service of international Business Schools.
Phases of the Case Method
The individual case study is followed by a group discussion.
Learning Teams help to prepare cases in a collaborative environment, creating the opportunity to put ideas to the test.
The headquarters' classrooms were specially designed with teaching in mind.
[av_toggle title='Next editions and duration' tags='']
PDE Lisboa takes place from November 2024 til February 2025, in Lisbon, at AESE headquarters, in Lisbon. The sessions are held on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.
PDE Porto takes place from January till July 2025. The sessions are held on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.
The Program is compatible with professional work, requiring the weekly presence of participants in the work sessions, for two half days.
After the completion of the PDE, participants acquire the status of AESE Alumni, which allows them to establish a network of contacts between themselves and between them and the School.
Portuguese and Spanish.
[av_toggle title='Price' tags='']
€ 14,800 (+ VAT)
Includes documentation, support material, catering, parking and travel to IESE Madrid.
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[av_heading tag='h2' padding='10' heading='Testimonials' color='custom-color-heading' style='blockquote modern-quote' custom_font='' size='48' subheading_active='' subheading_size='12' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='']
Programas Executivos > Executive MBA AESE
[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-small-hide='aviaTBav-small-hide' av-mini-hide='aviaTBav-mini-hide' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='']
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https://www.aese.pt/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/PDE-2024_Programas-executivos-excerts_540x470px.jpg470540claudiahttps://www.aese.pt/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/AESE_v.03_mono_white_site.pngclaudia2020-09-29 15:02:092024-10-03 15:03:00PDE | General Management Program
PADE | C-Suite Program
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[av_heading heading='PADE | Senior Executives & CEO Program' tag='h1' style='blockquote modern-quote' size='48' subheading_active='subheading_above' subheading_size='12' padding='15' color='custom-color-heading' custom_font='' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='']
Executive Education > C-Suite Program
[av_textblock size='18' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='']
We've had the financial crisis and the 'Great Recession'. We've had the pandemic, which, among other things, was an event that 'revealed' and accelerated previous latent trends. And, still not over, the war in Ukraine brought the world to its knees. Each time, the critical factors and relevant risks have been shaken up: sometimes liquidity, sometimes talent, sometimes technology, sometimes energy, sometimes logistics, sometimes supply chains, sometimes the demand profile, sometimes geopolitics... In any case, the growing demand for the role of governance in organisations and the importance of the sense of responsibility of those who lead them has become clearer.
Increasingly, the governance of organisations requires their leaders to have a recurring attitude of learning, refreshing, recapitulating and capitalising. It requires renewed attention not only to what we know we need to know, but also to what we need to know we don't know, and even - as the giddiness of recent times suggests - to what we don't know we don't know (and can only imagine...). In short, it requires a regular exercise in reflection, moments of inspiration and spaces of openness to other experiences, horizons and ideas.
PADE - Senior Management Programme offers a unique, transformative and inspiring training experience for people in senior positions. It promotes an integrated approach - multifunctional, cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary - to leading organisations in a way that is relevant, rigorous and non-trivial. It helps to design and pilot an organisation's opportunity system, capability system and value system. And it specifically emphasises
as an essential prerequisite for any significant and sustainable organisational change.
It's not easy, but it's worth it.
We would like to welcome you personally to the opening of the next edition of PADE (in Lisbon and Porto).
[av_textblock size='16' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='']
Pedro Ferro
PADE's Lisbon Director
Pedro Pimentel
PADE's OPorto Director
[av_hr class='invisible' height='70' shadow='no-shadow' position='center' custom_border='av-border-thin' custom_width='50px' custom_border_color='' custom_margin_top='30px' custom_margin_bottom='30px' icon_select='yes' custom_icon_color='' icon='ue808' font='entypo-fontello' av-small-hide='aviaTBav-small-hide' av-mini-hide='aviaTBav-mini-hide' admin_preview_bg='']
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PADE places particular emphasis on the strategic challenges and opportunities of the Portuguese economy facing the world. The program includes a trip and academic program at one of the partner schools of the AESE/IESE Business School.
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[av_toggle title='Goals' tags='']
PADE is the stage for debating ideas and values in a unique, transformative and inspiring training experience.
Update and capitalise on knowledge of management methods, analytical tools and conceptual models from a senior management perspective.
Reflect on experiences, horizons, ideas and values in a highly professional environment, with the rigour of AESE and IESE faculty.
Develop the capacity for initiative, entrepreneurship and change, both in the organisation you lead and in your own professional career.
Purpose and Impact
Enrich the vision of the organisation's context, mission and future.
Focus on self-improvement: improving personal management skills, decision-making methods, teamwork skills, understanding of others and self-awareness.
Gain a broader perspective on new trends in business and society: civilisation, competitive globalisation, emergence of new markets, evolution of business models and new technologies.
To identify the challenges and strategic opportunities that the Portuguese economy faces in the world.
To be part of a strong network of peer relationships, to make friends for life and, at the end, to be sorry that PADE is over... and to want to return to AESE.
[av_toggle title='Applicants profile' tags='']
PADE was designed for entrepreneurs and managers with a minimum of 10 years of experience in senior management and general management positions.
[av_toggle title='Academic Programme ' tags='']
PADE aims to capitalise on knowledge of management methods, analytical tools and conceptual models, from the point of view of senior management, through the following syllabuses:
Business and Strategy. Managing the Present and Choosing the Future.
Organisational structure. Coexistence and management systems.
Continuity and sustainability. Corporate governance.
Macro trends
[av_toggle title='Case Method' tags='']
Leading is only learned ... leading.
That is why learning at AESE is inspired by the Harvard Business School model. When putting applicants in the face of real business conflicts, managers are called to assume the role of decision makers in circumstances similar to their day-to-day activities in organizations. The cases are challenges that require effective responses to a rigorous analysis of limited or even insufficient information, in ambiguous or complex contexts from a political and economic point of view. Individual diagnosis and decisions are negotiated with experienced, talented and ambitious colleagues.
Currently, the Case Method stands out as a sophisticated medium, oriented to transform the potential talent of the participants into a powerful decision-making capacity. AESE remains in the leadership of teaching with the Case Method in Portugal.
The cases produced by AESE are part of the ECCH database, the most used worldwide case repository at the service of international Business Schools.
Phases of the Case Method
The individual case study is followed by a group discussion.
Learning Teams help to prepare cases in a collaborative environment, creating the opportunity to put ideas to the test.
The headquarters' classrooms were specially designed with teaching in mind.
[av_toggle title='International week' tags='']
PADE includes an international trip, lasting three or four working days, with a programme of academic sessions at a business school from the network of partner schools and visits to companies, at a location to be confirmed. In recent years, the destinations have been Shanghai - CEIBS, New York and Munich - IESE Business School.
[av_toggle title='Professors and Speakers' tags='']
AESE Business School invites renowned personalities from the business and academic world to present and debate new global trends and comprehensive perspectives on the economy, politics, technology and society at PADE.
Adrián Caldart
Professor of Business Policy (AESE and IESE); PhD in Business Administration (IESE); Master's Degree (ESADE Business School); Licence in Business Administration (U.C.
Afonso Barbosa
Professor of Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Planning and Control Systems; Advanced Programme in Derivative Financial Instruments (BVl); Executive MBA (AESE/IESE) and Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Analysis and Degree in Economics (Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão).
Agustín Avilés
Professor of Company Policy; PhD in Naval Engineering (Univ. Politécnica de Madrid); MBA (IESE).
Angel Proaño
Professor at ISEM and Visiting Professor at IESE Business School in the areas of Strategy and Management: Master's in Social Responsibility and Governance (UNED); MBA (IE); PDD (IESE); Degree in Economics and Management (Univ. Navarra).
António Manuel Vaz
CEO Sousacamp; Professor of Operations, Technology and Innovation at AESE; Executive MBA (AESE/IESE); Degree in Aeronautical Engineering (Univ. Beira Interior).
Beatriz Muñoz-Seca
Professor of Operations and Innovation at IESE; PhD in Philosophy and Letters (Univ. Navarra); Master in Education - Behaviour in Organisations (Harvard University); Degree in Arts (Univ. Navarra).
Cátia Sá Guerreiro
IHMT Project Manager for the World Health Organisation; Professor of Human Factors at the AESE Organisation; PhD in International Health, Health Policy branch (IHMT, UNL); Master's Degree in Health and Development with a specialisation in Programme and Project Management (IHMT, UNL); Nursing Degree (Esc. Sup. Enfermagem Calouste Gulbenkian).
Francisco Iniesta
Professor of Marketing and Commercial Policy at IESE; PhD Business Administration (Boston University); MBA (IESE); Law Degree (Univ. Murcia).
Fotis Christodoulopoulos
Professor of Technology at IESE Business School; Master in Telecommunications (RWTH Aachen University); MBA (École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées)
João Martins da Cunha
Professor of Human Factors in Organisations; PhD from the Instituto Empresa y Humanismo (Univ. Navarra); Master in Organisational Governance (Univ. Navarra); Master in Communication in Organisations (U. Complutense de Madrid); PDE (AESE); PDA (Instituto Internacional San Telmo); Degree in Civil Engineering (IST).
Jorge Ribeirinho Machado
Professor and Academic Head of Operations, Technology and Innovation at AESE; PhD in Organisational Governance and Culture (Univ. Navarra); MSc Urban Planning (Univ. Navarra) Executive MBA (AESE/IESE); Degree in Civil Engineering (Univ. Porto).
José Fonseca Pires
Professor and Academic Head of Human Factors in Organisations; PhD (UIC Barcelona); Executive MBA (AESE/IESE); Degree in Medicine (Univ. Porto).
José Luis Suárez
Professor of Finance and Campus Director at IESE Business School, Madrid; PhD in Management (Univ. Navarra); Licentiate in Business Administration (Univ. Tucumán).
Julian Villanueva
Professor of Marketing at IESE Business School; PhD in Management/Marketing (UClA); MBA (IESE); B.A. in Economics (Univ. Complutense Madrid).
Luís Amado
Minister of National Defence in the XVIII Constitutional Government; Minister of Foreign Affairs in the XVII Government; University Professor; Auditor of the Defence Course at the National Defence Institute; Auditor of the Court of Auditors; Business Consultant; Degree in Economics (ISEG).
Luís Cabral
Professor of Industrial Economics (NYU); Professor of Economics (IESE); PhD in Economics (Stanford University); Master in Economics (UNL); Licentiate in Economics (UCP).
Manuel Rodrigues
PhD in Management in the area of Finance (Cranfield School of Management); MBA Exchange Programme (Kellogg School of Management, NU); MBA (IESE Business School); Degree in Civil Engineering (IST).
Maria de Fátima Carioca
Professor of Human Factors in Organisations; DBA (Manchester Business School); PDE AESE); Master in Systems and Computer Engineering (IST); Master in Marriage and Family (U. Navarra); Degree in Electrical Engineering (IST).
Miguel Guerreiro
Professor in the area of Operations, Technology and Innovation and Director of PDE Lisbon; Executive MBA (AESE/IESE); Degree in Civil Engineering (IST).
Mike Rosenberg
Associate Professor of Strategic Management (IESE); PhD in Philosophy (Cranfield University); MBA (IESE); BSc in Engineering Science (Univ. Michigan).
Miquel Lladó
Member of the Board of Directors of Net.ip the Windowing Company, and of the Board of Directors of Gomà-Camps Group. Visiting Professor in Strategic Management, M&A, Leadership & Motivation at the University of Sheffield International Faculty (City College); Visiting Professor in Strategic Management at IEDC - Bled School of Management and Lecturer in Strategic Management at IESE Business School.
Nuno Fernandes
Professor of Finance at IESE Business School; PhD in Business Management (IESE); Licentiate in Economics (Portuguese Catholic University).
Pedro Afonso
Professor of Human Factors in the Organisation at AESE; PhD Psychiatry and Mental Health (Faculty of Medicine, Lisbon); Master in Sleep Sciences (Faculty of Medicine, Lisbon); Degree in Medicine, specialising in Psychiatry (Univ. Coimbra).
Pedro Ferro
Professor of Company Policy; PADE (AESE); PhD in Political Science (UCP); Executive MBA (IEP/ ESADE); Postgraduate in European Economics (UCP); Licentiate in Economics (UCP).
Pedro Pimentel
Professor and Academic Head of Economics, Finance, Control and Accounting; PhD in Economics (UN); Master's in Structural Engineering (FEUP); Licence in Aeronautical Engineering (Univ. Politécnica Madrid).
Rafael Franco
Professor of Accounting and Management Control at AESE; DBA Management (U. Manchester); Executive MBA (AESE/ IESE); Degree in Economics (Univ. Lisboa).
Ramiro Martins
Professor and Academic Head of Commercial Policy and Marketing at AESE; PhD Business Research (Henley Business School); MsC Business Research (Henley Business School); PADE (AESE; Lic. Eng. Química (Univ. Porto).
[av_toggle title='Next editions and duration' tags='']
PADE takes place from November 2024 till April 2025 in Lisbon and OPorto.
Upon completion of PADE, participants acquire the status of AESE Alumni, which allows them to establish a network of contacts between themselves and between them and the School, as well as access to exclusive sessions for PADE alumni.
Portuguese, English and Spanish.
[av_toggle title='Price' tags='']
€19,700 (+ VAT)
The price includes: documentation, support material, catering, parking and stay and academic program in the international week, lasting from three to four working days.
The price does not include travel.
For further information, contact Mafalda Correia de Sá.
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Programas Executivos > Executive MBA AESE
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[av_heading heading='Contacts' tag='h2' style='blockquote modern-quote' size='20' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='0' color='custom-color-heading' custom_font='#f37421' av-medium-font-size-title='' av-small-font-size-title='' av-mini-font-size-title='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='rgb(241, 241, 241)'][/av_heading]
[av_textblock size='20' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='rgb(241, 241, 241)']
Mafalda Correia de Sá
mafaldacsa@aese.ptPhone(+351) 217 221 530
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Mafalda Correia de Sá
mafaldacsa@aese.ptPhone(+351) 217 221 530
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https://www.aese.pt/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/PADE-2022-2023_Programas-executivos-excerts_540x470px.jpg470540claudiahttps://www.aese.pt/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/AESE_v.03_mono_white_site.pngclaudia2020-09-29 12:41:342025-01-31 12:40:49PADE | C-Suite Program
Elevate Yourself, Transform the World. The new leader must achieve the highest degree of professionalism and self-motivation to embark on the constant quest for excellence and personal and professional fulfilment. At the same time, the new leader must be capable of generosity in placing all this effort at the service of others, of society and of the world. If you consider yourself a demanding non-conformist who wants to better yourself, if you think you have far more to give to make a real and lasting impact, then you are an Executive MBA AESE candidate.
“Over the last 23 years, the AESE Executive MBA has led to numerous success stories among its participants. From the beginning of the Programme, this is the best proof of its effectiveness! We look forward to working with you on the next step in your career.”
Maria de Fátima Carioca
Dean of AESE Business School
Franz Heukamp
Dean of IESE Business School
[av_hr class='invisible' height='70' shadow='no-shadow' position='center' custom_border='av-border-thin' custom_width='50px' custom_border_color='' custom_margin_top='30px' custom_margin_bottom='30px' icon_select='yes' custom_icon_color='' icon='ue808' font='entypo-fontello' admin_preview_bg='']
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[av_toggle title='The six dimensions of the Executive MBA AESE' tags='']
The AESE Executive MBA is an intense journey of personal and professional transformation that prepares you to face challenges in any business scenario.
General management perspective
You will gain profound comprehensive insight into the company from a general management perspective, which will allow you to understand the uniqueness of each operational area, the interdependence between them and how they are affected by your decisions.
Effective leadership
Build and align effective teams around a shared vision and a common purpose. Deepen your ethical and humanistic vision of leadership and learn to take an active role in the community.
Strategic decision making
Analyse complex problems, test different approaches and evaluate results. By examining more than 250 business cases, you will hone your ability to analyse challenging situations, justify your strategy and decide on the best course of action.
Global reach
The programme’s high-impact content, faculty guidance and intensive weeks in global venues will give you a heightened awareness of the trends and opportunities shaping today’s global business arena.
Entrepreneurial spirit
You will discover your inner entrepreneur. The AESE Executive MBA will help you detect new opportunities and acquire the knowledge and tools to make the most of them, both inside and outside your organisation.
Develop greater empathy, self-awareness, emotional intelligence and tools to communicate with confidence in any professional environment. Consolidate skills to manage crises, stress and challenges.
[av_toggle title='Curriculum' tags='']
1st Academic YearThe first year lays the academic foundation for the programme. You will acquire a stronger grasp of core management areas and a holistic management outlook to lead across all areas of the organisation 1st Term October-December
_ Business Analysis I
_ Financial Accounting
_ Personal Development I
_ Managing People in Organizations _ Strategic Marketing
_ Elective track
_ Coaching
2nd Term January-March
_ Business Analysis II
_ Personal Development II
_ Branding & Data Driven Marketing _ Operations Management
_ Short Term Finance
_ Elective track
_ Coaching
_ Entrepreneurial Initiative
3rd Term April-July
_ Microeconomics
_ Strategic Management _ Structural Finance
_ Digital Transformation and Innovation
_ Elective track
_ Coaching
_ Entrepreneurial Initiative
_ New York Immersion Week
2nd Academic YearIn the second year, you will reinforce core leadership skills and your General Management perspective and entrepreneurial skills. 4th Term September-December
_ Advanced Finance
_ Marketing Strategy in Action
_ Organization and Corporate Governance
_ Elective track
_ Career Management Programme
_ Entrepreneurial Initiative
_ Lisbon International Week5th Term January-March_ Management Accounting & Control
_ Marketing Channels & Sales
_ Service Operations
_ Leadership, Values and Ethics
_ Elective track
_ Career Management Programme
_ Entrepreneurial Initiative
_ Tokyo Immersion Week6th Term April-June_ Macroeconomics
_ Negotiation skills
_ Entrepreneurial Initiative and final presentation
_ Elective track
_Career Management Programme
[av_toggle title='Elective track' tags='']
Short Programmes in diverse areas of specialisation are offered throughout the programme, enabling you to allocate the time devoted to the elective track across the programme according to your preferences. During the AESE Executive MBA, participants are expected to complete a minimum of five full days of elective short programmes.
During the Programme, some CEOs or C-level board members are invited to share their life experiences or the strategy of their organizations and sectors in rich and interactive sessions.
[av_toggle title='International weeks' tags='']
The AESE Executive MBA organises international weeks in Lisbon, New York and Tokyo that deliver frontline insights into global business ecosystems and fresh perspectives on global and transcultural management.
New YorkThe IESE campus in New York is in downtown Manhattan, the city’s business and commercial district, just steps from Carnegie Hall, the Lincoln center and central Park. IESE NY specialises in executive education programmes focused on global business, media and entertainment and custom programmes for North American organisations.
LisbonExcelling in Leadership week is dedicated to three main areas: the roles of the CEO as business strategist, organisational leader and a key actor in the Governance Structure; Design Thinking as a methodology for idea generation, and Global Leadership and how internationalisation of the company poses singular challenges associated with the management of people in organisations.
Tokyo (Optional week)The Meiji Business School campus in central Tokyo is located just next to Otemachi, the city’s business and commercial district, just steps from the Imperial Palace. The MBS Executive MBA is renowned for its focus on family business, start-ups, real estate and general management.
[av_toggle title='Executive MBA AESE Comité' tags='']
The Executive MBA AESE Committee is made up of:
Adrián Caldart, Director of the AESE Executive MBA Committee
Agostinho Abrunhosa, Director of the Executive MBA AESE
Rafael Franco, Director of the Executive MBA AESE
[av_toggle title='Accreditations ' tags='']
O Executive MBA AESE is accredited byAMBA andEFMD.
AESE Business School is an Associate Business Member ofAACSB .
[av_toggle title='A way to learn' tags='']
Case MethodWhether analysing the challenges faced by a construction company, an amusement park, a ceramic manufacturer or an airline in difficulty, the case method asks the participant to put him or herself in the place of the manager: How can i increase sales in a negative cycle? How can the company improve its results in a new competitive environment? What incentive policies will work in a fast-moving industry?
In contrast to lecture-based teaching methods, with the case Method the participants do most of the talking. the teacher facilitates and guides the discussion within a theoretical framework, asking questions and encouraging the participation of the whole class to enrich the discussion with contrasting points of view, different experiences and cultural backgrounds.
Read the case on your own, reflecting on the main issues: What is the biggest problem? What are the alternative options for action? What would you do if you were the manager in question?
Before class, participants meet in small working groups to discuss and compare their analysis and contrasting points of view.
The discussion is then taken to the classroom context, with the teacher facilitating and conducting a more comprehensive discussion of the case. together in a plenary session, the issues raised in the case are analysed and the different courses of action are evaluated with conclusions and learning frameworks.
The case may be recent or a dilemma faced by a company two decades ago. However, the issues highlighted in each case are relevant and universal. More than 250 renowned national and international cases are analysed. For AESE professors, rich, engaging discussions and debates are the flashpoint of leadership development. From case studies to team-based projects and business simulations, they dynamically combine diverse learning methodologies to spark these vital interactions.
The Faculty and Speakers who teach in the AESE Executive MBA combine rigour, excellence and academic quality with strong roots in the business world.
A personal mentor will offer continuous feedback and career advice throughout the programme to ensure you get the most out of the experience and reach your fullest potential.
Team-Based Projects ABP2 & EI
Teamwork will provide an authentic forum for exchanging and contrasting knowledge among peers and bolster your ability to align opposing perspec- tives.
Peer-To-Peer Learning
The EMBA gathers successful managers from an array of industries, companies and professional profiles. the cohort’s diversity will enrich your professional network and open your eyes to new perspectives and practices outside your corporate sphere.
Business Simulations
You will take your key knowledge to a new level and advance your executive and communication skills in a realistic test environment, complete with time constraints and opposing power sources.
Professional and personal development
All participants in the AeSe executive MBA are assigned two members of faculty – a tutor and a coach – who accompany, encourage and help each participant in pedagogical, professional and personal terms.
[av_toggle title='Next edition and duration' tags='']
From October 4th 2024 until June 2026.
Fridays, 1pm » 7pm
Saturdays, 8.30am » 1pm
Once a month, one Friday is a full day and one Saturday is free of classes. Participants should anticipate 10 to 15 hours of individual study per week.
The programme includes two mandatory international weeks (Lisbon and New York) and an optional immersive week in Tokyo.
Programme langues
The language of the programme is Portuguese. The International weeks, and some of the international classes are taught in English or Spanish.
Study hours
660 hours of interactive learning.
> AESE Campus, Lisbon
> IESE New York, USA
> Meiji University, Tokyo
[av_toggle title='Admission' tags='']
University degree
At least 5 years' professional experience
Portuguse proficiency, good skills in English and Spanish
Analytical skills
Availability to engage in a rigorus academic programme
1. Submit the application form
2. Submit the application form for waiver of the admission test, for candidates with a Doctorate, Degree average equal to or greater than 15 values or with more than 5 years of experience in Management/Coordination positions
3. Pay the registration fee (70 €)
4. Admission Interview with the Program Director
5. Submit two letters of recommendation based on the template to be provided by the Admissions Department
When all the elements mentioned above have been submitted to the Admissions Department, the Executive MBA AESE Committee evaluates the application and decides on the admission of the candidate.
Admission to the Program takes place after approval of the application by the AESE Executive MBA Committee and payment of the respective down payment.
[av_toggle title='Tuition' tags='']
Early bird € 28,000 (VAT included)
For completed admissions processes and deposit paid by the 15th of June 2024.
Base price: € 31.000 (VAT included)
Base price includes documentation, support material, catering, parking at AESE Campus, and the international academic weeks in Lisbon and New York. Airline tickets, accommodation and meals in New York are not included.
International week (optional): € 1,900 (+ VAT)
The Tokyo international week abroad is optional. Airline tickets, accommodation and meals outside the academic timetable are not included in tuition fees. Minimum number of participants for the optional international week: 30.
Other benefits
Scholarships of up to 90% of the base price of the AESE Executive MBA are available.
Two registrations from the same business group or two registrations from direct family members receive a 10% bonus on the AESE Executive MBA base price.
PDE, PGL and DEEP Alumni are awarded a 10% discount on the AESE Executive MBA base price. Discounts, bonuses and benefits cannot be accumulated.
[av_toggle title='Financing and Grants' tags='']
At AESE, we believe your full leadership potential should not remain untapped by mere financial challenges. Better societies require outstanding leadership from all walks of life. That is why we have so many available routes for you to be able to join us on this journey.
AESE Executive MBA Scholarship*
This scholarship allows approved candidates with proven professional and academic merit and with financial need to attend the AESE Executive MBA. The selection process includes an interview with a member of the MBA Committee. The scholarship can be worth up to 30% of the base price.
INCM Cultural Scholarship*
This scholarship is open to approved candidates with proven professional, academic and personal merit in the area of culture, music, theatre or the fine arts and in financial need in order to attend an executive training programme at AESE Business School. The selection process includes an interview with a member of the Bolsa Cultural Management Committee comprised of a member of AESE’s Board and of INCM - Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda. The Cultural Scholarship INCM covers up to 90% of the AESE Executive MBA base price.
Public Sector Grant*
The Public Sector Grant is awarded to candidates to the AESE Executive MBA to encourage the participation of managers and other senior officials from the Public Sector. This scholarship covers up to 40% of the AESE Executive MBA base price.
Per enrolment year, a maximum of four public sector grants will be awarded.
Women in Management*
AESE offers scholarships to high-potential executives who are committed to having a positive impact on people, companies and society. Candidates must be proven leaders with a solid academic background, entrepreneurial initiative and ability to innovate. The scholarship can be worth up to 30% of AESE Executive MBA base price.
Career Excellence Scholarship*
This scholarship is funded through sponsorships raised by the AESE Alumni Group and is awarded on a non-refundable basis. The beneficiary is competitively chosen by a jury that analyses the candidates’ business projects and their personal characteristics.
The Career Excellence Scholarship covers up to 70% of the AESE Executive MBA base price.
The Carlos Parreira Professor Scholarship*
This scholarship, created in memory of the first Director of the Executive MBA, facilitates the access of staff from NGOs and social organisations to the AESE Executive MBA. Carlos Parreira Professor Scholarship co-funds up to 70% of the AESE Executive MBA base price.
AESE Alumni discount*
PDE, PGL and DEEP Alumni are awarded a 10% discount on the AESE Executive MBA base price.
Babysitting Grant
The Babysitting Grant is aimed at mothers participating in the AESE Executive MBA with at least one child of a maximum age of 10 years. The value of the Babysitting Grant is € 1,250.
Fomento Colleges Alumni*
Members of the Alumni Associations of the Fomento Colleges and employees of the colleges receive 20% discount on the AESE Executive MBA base price. Former students and parents of current students at Fomento College receive a 10% discount on the AESE Executive MBA base price.
Ordem dos Engenheiros*
As per the protocol signed between AESE Business School and the Ordem dos Engenheiros, active Members of the Ordem dos Engenheiros have access to preferential conditions with a 15% of the AESE Executive MBA base price.
Financial Loans
AESE has negotiated a memorandum of understanding with several financial institutions to facilitate expeditious access to academic loans.
* Does not include the international week in Tokyo
[av_toggle title='Career Management Centre' tags='']
To help you better understand the job market and successfully take control of your own career development, AESE’s Career Management Centre provides Executive MBA participants with professional development resources and support services.
Career sessions and workshops guided by specialists will allow you to create a high-impact CV, prepare for interviews, negotiate your salary and build your professional network. You will work closely with a career advisor, who will help you define your own career plan and stand out in a global job market.
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[av_textblock size='20' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' admin_preview_bg='rgb(241, 241, 241)']
Júlia Côrte-Real j.cortereal@aese.pt
Cel (+351) 939 871 256
Phone (+351) 217 221 530
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https://www.aese.pt/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/24MBA_Programas-executivos-excerts_540x470px.jpg470540adminhttps://www.aese.pt/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/AESE_v.03_mono_white_site.pngadmin2020-09-09 22:19:172024-09-24 19:07:51Executive MBA