Sofia Chaves
PWN Luanda
DEEP is a management programme aimed at today’s fast-paced, time-strapped executives who appreciate a flexible and highly effective training environment.
Taught by a group of professors from AESE and the prestigious IESE Business School network, it has live participants from seven countries on four continents.
DEEP aims to provide senior managers with a range of solid management skills at director level, from People Management to topics such as Digital Transformation Management, favouring practical learning, strongly linked to the business context and with a strong international vocation. Taking part in DEEP will open doors for you to interact with managers from different countries.
The entire content structure, timing, duration and layout of the DEEP Programme have been designed to ensure a fluid and enjoyable learning experience for the Participant in terms of personal and family time management, as well as maximising performance in the company.
DEEP integrates several complementary learning methods in a highly effective way.
Case Method
Created by Harvard Business School over 100 years ago – which attests to its validity and effectiveness – this method is the basis of the training process at AESE and IESE Business School.
Action and Simulation
Online simulations from Harvard Business School and Ross School of Business aim to accelerate and consolidate learning by linking management decisions to business results.
Serious Games
Role play and game play are also used to foster decision-making skills, negotiation and the defence of predefined points of view.
Benefits for you
DEEP is the right programme for you:
Benefits to the organisation
DEEP is the key to unlocking an international management vision, based on the knowledge of IESE’s prestigious global network, with real-time, teacher-led sessions from 7 geographies, based on 4 continents.
DEEP favours management with People at the heart of the organisation and the business, with:
Academic programme
The DEEP programme aims to develop strategic skills with renowned experts, establish global connections and continuous learning, and grow professionally with real impact.
Short and long term vision
Efficiency and management
Readiness for innovation
Strategy in action
Putting people first
Trends and emerging concepts
DEEP has four individual mentoring sessions, arranged directly with teachers chosen by the participants.
These mentoring sessions are designed to accompany the participants in their development, allowing them to take a deeper look at personal reflections, projects and career plans, with a sense of responsibility to contribute to a better society.
Gateway to AESE executive education programmes
DEEP is more than a starting point, it’s your entry into the world of AESE Business School.
By joining DEEP, you benefit from special conditions for participating in Short Programmes and other 1st Business programmes in Portugal, during the programme and for up to 1 year after completion.
ANECRA – Associação Nacional das Empresas do Comércio e Reparação Automóvel and AESE have established a Partnership Protocol to promote Executive Training, guaranteeing the acquisition and improvement of skills in the automotive sector in Portugal. ANECRA members have advantageous conditions in terms of the DEEP.
Next edition
DEEP will be held online from 18 March to 27 June 2024.
The content will be taught via an online platform, with synchronous classes and conferences.
The regularity of the sessions will allow participants to continuously learn and improve their decision-making skills. In a process of self-knowledge and self-government – with immediate application in the company, the broadening of the business vision, a better understanding of problems, synthesis and first-person decision-making are fundamental elements for the development of relational skills such as the ability to listen, co-operation, negotiation and influence, which will always be present in our sessions.
5.500 €
15% benefit on the total cost of the programme for ANECRA members
Special conditions for groups from the same company wishing to reskill/upskill their staff.
"O DEEP permitiu-me, melhorar as competências em gestão, negociação e liderança de equipas. Fizeram uma diferença positiva, proporcionando uma maior troca de experiências e partilha de vivências de outros mercados. O programa DEEP permitiu-me melhorar as minhas competências em gestão, analítica, como na tomada de decisões, permitindo sempre a escuta activa e a opinião dos membros da equipa."
Sofia Chaves | PWN Luanda
O DEEP é mais do que um programa de gestão executiva! O DEEP personifica a partilha, união, espírito crítico, conhecimento e experiência, vivida por cada um dos participantes, de uma forma tão única e coesa, que nem nos damos conta de que estamos no “mundo online”. Magnífico corpo docente, que tão bem nos passou o ambiente AESE e que se manteve “próximo”, ainda que à distância. É, sem dúvida, uma formação completa e de grande utilidade/aplicabilidade para o dia a dia profissional e, também, pessoal.
Diana Ferraz | Flexdeal
O DEEP vai muito além de um programa de educação executiva, é uma autêntica transformação pessoal e profissional a todos os níveis! Prepara líderes em cargos de direção e governo para uma tomada de decisão cada vez mais humanista e responsável, de forma a se alcançar decisões com base na ética e da moralidade.
Janesse Rocha de Oliveira | EMIS - Empresa Interbancária de Serviços
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