PADE | C-Suite Program - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos

Executive Education > C-Suite Program

PADE | Senior Executives & CEO Program

We’ve had the financial crisis and the ‘Great Recession’. We’ve had the pandemic, which, among other things, was an event that ‘revealed’ and accelerated previous latent trends. And, still not over, the war in Ukraine brought the world to its knees. Each time, the critical factors and relevant risks have been shaken up: sometimes liquidity, sometimes talent, sometimes technology, sometimes energy, sometimes logistics, sometimes supply chains, sometimes the demand profile, sometimes geopolitics… In any case, the growing demand for the role of governance in organisations and the importance of the sense of responsibility of those who lead them has become clearer.
Increasingly, the governance of organisations requires their leaders to have a recurring attitude of learning, refreshing, recapitulating and capitalising. It requires renewed attention not only to what we know we need to know, but also to what we need to know we don’t know, and even – as the giddiness of recent times suggests – to what we don’t know we don’t know (and can only imagine…). In short, it requires a regular exercise in reflection, moments of inspiration and spaces of openness to other experiences, horizons and ideas.

PADE – Senior Management Programme offers a unique, transformative and inspiring training experience for people in senior positions. It promotes an integrated approach – multifunctional, cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary – to leading organisations in a way that is relevant, rigorous and non-trivial. It helps to design and pilot an organisation’s opportunity system, capability system and value system. And it specifically emphasises
as an essential prerequisite for any significant and sustainable organisational change.

It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

We would like to welcome you personally to the opening of the next edition of PADE (in Lisbon and Porto).

Pedro Ferro
PADE’s Lisbon Director

Pedro Pimentel
PADE’s OPorto Director


PADE places particular emphasis on the strategic challenges and opportunities of the Portuguese economy facing the world. The program includes a trip and academic program at one of the partner schools of the AESE/IESE Business School.


PADE is the stage for debating ideas and values in a unique, transformative and inspiring training experience.

Update and capitalise on knowledge of management methods, analytical tools and conceptual models from a senior management perspective.
Reflect on experiences, horizons, ideas and values in a highly professional environment, with the rigour of AESE and IESE faculty.
Develop the capacity for initiative, entrepreneurship and change, both in the organisation you lead and in your own professional career.
Purpose and Impact
Enrich the vision of the organisation’s context, mission and future.
Focus on self-improvement: improving personal management skills, decision-making methods, teamwork skills, understanding of others and self-awareness.
Gain a broader perspective on new trends in business and society: civilisation, competitive globalisation, emergence of new markets, evolution of business models and new technologies.
To identify the challenges and strategic opportunities that the Portuguese economy faces in the world.
To be part of a strong network of peer relationships, to make friends for life and, at the end, to be sorry that PADE is over… and to want to return to AESE.

Applicants profile

PADE was designed for entrepreneurs and managers with a minimum of 10 years of experience in senior management and general management positions.

Academic Programme

PADE aims to capitalise on knowledge of management methods, analytical tools and conceptual models, from the point of view of senior management, through the following syllabuses:

  • Business and Strategy. Managing the Present and Choosing the Future.
  • Organisational structure. Coexistence and management systems.
  • Continuity and sustainability. Corporate governance.
  • Self-management
  • Macro trends

Case Method

Leading is only learned … leading.

That is why learning at AESE is inspired by the Harvard Business School model. When putting applicants in the face of real business conflicts, managers are called to assume the role of decision makers in circumstances similar to their day-to-day activities in organizations. The cases are challenges that require effective responses to a rigorous analysis of limited or even insufficient information, in ambiguous or complex contexts from a political and economic point of view. Individual diagnosis and decisions are negotiated with experienced, talented and ambitious colleagues.

Currently, the Case Method stands out as a sophisticated medium, oriented to transform the potential talent of the participants into a powerful decision-making capacity. AESE remains in the leadership of teaching with the Case Method in Portugal.

The cases produced by AESE are part of the ECCH database, the most used worldwide case repository at the service of international Business Schools.

Phases of the Case Method

  • The individual case study is followed by a group discussion.
  • Learning Teams help to prepare cases in a collaborative environment, creating the opportunity to put ideas to the test.
  • The headquarters’ classrooms were specially designed with teaching in mind.

International week

PADE includes an international trip, lasting three or four working days, with a programme of academic sessions at a business school from the network of partner schools and visits to companies, at a location to be confirmed. In recent years, the destinations have been Shanghai – CEIBS, New York and Munich – IESE Business School.

Professors and Speakers

AESE Business School invites renowned personalities from the business and academic world to present and debate new global trends and comprehensive perspectives on the economy, politics, technology and society at PADE.
Adrián Caldart
Professor of Business Policy (AESE and IESE); PhD in Business Administration (IESE); Master’s Degree (ESADE Business School); Licence in Business Administration (U.C.
Afonso Barbosa
Professor of Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Planning and Control Systems; Advanced Programme in Derivative Financial Instruments (BVl); Executive MBA (AESE/IESE) and Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Analysis and Degree in Economics (Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão).
Agustín Avilés
Professor of Company Policy; PhD in Naval Engineering (Univ. Politécnica de Madrid); MBA (IESE).
Angel Proaño
Professor at ISEM and Visiting Professor at IESE Business School in the areas of Strategy and Management: Master’s in Social Responsibility and Governance (UNED); MBA (IE); PDD (IESE); Degree in Economics and Management (Univ. Navarra).
António Manuel Vaz
CEO Sousacamp; Professor of Operations, Technology and Innovation at AESE; Executive MBA (AESE/IESE); Degree in Aeronautical Engineering (Univ. Beira Interior).
Beatriz Muñoz-Seca
Professor of Operations and Innovation at IESE; PhD in Philosophy and Letters (Univ. Navarra); Master in Education – Behaviour in Organisations (Harvard University); Degree in Arts (Univ. Navarra).
Cátia Sá Guerreiro
IHMT Project Manager for the World Health Organisation; Professor of Human Factors at the AESE Organisation; PhD in International Health, Health Policy branch (IHMT, UNL); Master’s Degree in Health and Development with a specialisation in Programme and Project Management (IHMT, UNL); Nursing Degree (Esc. Sup. Enfermagem Calouste Gulbenkian).
Francisco Iniesta
Professor of Marketing and Commercial Policy at IESE; PhD Business Administration (Boston University); MBA (IESE); Law Degree (Univ. Murcia).
Fotis Christodoulopoulos
Professor of Technology at IESE Business School; Master in Telecommunications (RWTH Aachen University); MBA (École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées)
João Martins da Cunha
Professor of Human Factors in Organisations; PhD from the Instituto Empresa y Humanismo (Univ. Navarra); Master in Organisational Governance (Univ. Navarra); Master in Communication in Organisations (U. Complutense de Madrid); PDE (AESE); PDA (Instituto Internacional San Telmo); Degree in Civil Engineering (IST).
Jorge Ribeirinho Machado
Professor and Academic Head of Operations, Technology and Innovation at AESE; PhD in Organisational Governance and Culture (Univ. Navarra); MSc Urban Planning (Univ. Navarra) Executive MBA (AESE/IESE); Degree in Civil Engineering (Univ. Porto).
José Fonseca Pires
Professor and Academic Head of Human Factors in Organisations; PhD (UIC Barcelona); Executive MBA (AESE/IESE); Degree in Medicine (Univ. Porto).
José Luis Suárez
Professor of Finance and Campus Director at IESE Business School, Madrid; PhD in Management (Univ. Navarra); Licentiate in Business Administration (Univ. Tucumán).
Julian Villanueva
Professor of Marketing at IESE Business School; PhD in Management/Marketing (UClA); MBA (IESE); B.A. in Economics (Univ. Complutense Madrid).
Luís Amado
Minister of National Defence in the XVIII Constitutional Government; Minister of Foreign Affairs in the XVII Government; University Professor; Auditor of the Defence Course at the National Defence Institute; Auditor of the Court of Auditors; Business Consultant; Degree in Economics (ISEG).
Luís Cabral
Professor of Industrial Economics (NYU); Professor of Economics (IESE); PhD in Economics (Stanford University); Master in Economics (UNL); Licentiate in Economics (UCP).
Manuel Rodrigues
PhD in Management in the area of Finance (Cranfield School of Management); MBA Exchange Programme (Kellogg School of Management, NU); MBA (IESE Business School); Degree in Civil Engineering (IST).
Maria de Fátima Carioca
Professor of Human Factors in Organisations; DBA (Manchester Business School); PDE AESE); Master in Systems and Computer Engineering (IST); Master in Marriage and Family (U. Navarra); Degree in Electrical Engineering (IST).
Miguel Guerreiro
Professor in the area of Operations, Technology and Innovation and Director of PDE Lisbon; Executive MBA (AESE/IESE); Degree in Civil Engineering (IST).
Mike Rosenberg
Associate Professor of Strategic Management (IESE); PhD in Philosophy (Cranfield University); MBA (IESE); BSc in Engineering Science (Univ. Michigan).
Miquel Lladó
Member of the Board of Directors of Net.ip the Windowing Company, and of the Board of Directors of Gomà-Camps Group. Visiting Professor in Strategic Management, M&A, Leadership & Motivation at the University of Sheffield International Faculty (City College); Visiting Professor in Strategic Management at IEDC – Bled School of Management and Lecturer in Strategic Management at IESE Business School.
Nuno Fernandes
Professor of Finance at IESE Business School; PhD in Business Management (IESE); Licentiate in Economics (Portuguese Catholic University).
Pedro Afonso
Professor of Human Factors in the Organisation at AESE; PhD Psychiatry and Mental Health (Faculty of Medicine, Lisbon); Master in Sleep Sciences (Faculty of Medicine, Lisbon); Degree in Medicine, specialising in Psychiatry (Univ. Coimbra).
Pedro Ferro
Professor of Company Policy; PADE (AESE); PhD in Political Science (UCP); Executive MBA (IEP/ ESADE); Postgraduate in European Economics (UCP); Licentiate in Economics (UCP).
Pedro Pimentel
Professor and Academic Head of Economics, Finance, Control and Accounting; PhD in Economics (UN); Master’s in Structural Engineering (FEUP); Licence in Aeronautical Engineering (Univ. Politécnica Madrid).
Rafael Franco
Professor of Accounting and Management Control at AESE; DBA Management (U. Manchester); Executive MBA (AESE/ IESE); Degree in Economics (Univ. Lisboa).
Ramiro Martins
Professor and Academic Head of Commercial Policy and Marketing at AESE; PhD Business Research (Henley Business School); MsC Business Research (Henley Business School); PADE (AESE; Lic. Eng. Química (Univ. Porto).

Next editions and duration

PADE takes place from November 2024 till April 2025 in Lisbon and OPorto.

Upon completion of PADE, participants acquire the status of AESE Alumni, which allows them to establish a network of contacts between themselves and between them and the School, as well as access to exclusive sessions for PADE alumni.


Portuguese, English and Spanish.


€19,300 (+ VAT)

The price includes: documentation, support material, catering, parking and stay and academic program in the international week, lasting from three to four working days.

The price does not include travel.

For further information, contact Mafalda Correia de Sá.

Dulce Mota
Banco Montepio

"A diversidade e oportunidade dos temas tratados, juntamente com a qualidade e metodologia da sua abordagem, constituíram efetivas mais valias para a minha formação. Recomendo vivamente a sua frequência."

Dulce Mota | Banco Montepio

Vítor Virgínia
Merck Sharp & Dohme

Sem dúvida é um programa que adiciona valor e nos leva a ver o mundo e os negócios de uma forma mais abrangente.

Vítor Virgínia | Merck Sharp & Dohme

João Pedro Azevedo
Amorim Cork Composites

“ No PADE encontramos o ambiente sereno necessário ao debate dos temas mais inovadores num mundo em constante mutação. É um Programa que nos desafia, que nos desvia da nossa zona de conforto e que nos dá toda a exposição de que precisamos. Uma vez terminado, sinto que todos iniciámos uma nova etapa das nossas vidas.”

João Pedro Azevedo | Amorim Cork Composites

Andreia Ventura
Grupo ETE

"Fazer o PADE constituiu para mim um verdadeiro e exigente investimento, do qual obtive integral retorno, pelo que não posso deixar vivamente de o recomendar a todos os quadros dirigentes que queiram aprofundar os seus conhecimentos de liderança e gestão de Alta Direção. O Programa distingue-se pela elevada qualidade dos docentes, excelente organização e particular preocupação com as Pessoas."

Andreia Ventura | Grupo ETE


Mafalda Correia de Sá
Phone (+351) 217 221 530


Mafalda Correia de Sá
Phone (+351) 217 221 530

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