Engineering Manager na Central iPx Platforms & carrier Servicesvodafone Group
“The AESE Executive MBA was a remarkable and memorable experience.
During the two-year course and with the very different experiences of colleagues and professors, I gained knowledge in several fields which enabled tremendous growth for me at both the professional and personal level.
The case study methodology used during lectures facilitated constructive and practical discussions that helped me develop and refine the critical thinking methods and managerial approach I use in my day-to-day professional duties.
I highly recommend AESE’s Executive MBA as it forces attendees to go the extra mile and improve their capabilities.”
MBA Joana Moura
A transformação ao longo desta viagem vai para além dos conhecimentos académicos que, sem dúvida, têm sido importantes para o desenvolvimento pessoal, mas ainda mais quando complementados com a partilha de experiências entre todos.