O Executive MBA AESE numa semana inspiradora no IESE NY - AESE Business School - Formação de Executivos

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O Executive MBA AESE numa semana inspiradora no IESE NY


O IESE NY recebeu o Executive MBA da AESE numa semana imersiva, de 24 a 27 de abril.

Nesta viagem, os participantes tiveram a oportunidade de conviver com alunos da Cracow University of Economics da Polónia e da Meiji University do Japão.

As sessões incidiram maioritariamente nos temas de Estratégia e Liderança, Inteligência Artificial, Retalho, Megatendências e Inovação. Contaram-se entre os oradores líderes reconhecidos pelas suas trajetórias corporativas e Professores com trabalho académico desenvolvido nos temas que abordaram.

A experiência dos participantes

“I just finished the EMBA International Week Program in New York City.
What an incredible experience and a great opportunity to learn about strategy, leadership, innovation and AI.
I would like to thank AESE Business School and IESE Business School for the amazing network experience. | Marta Jorge

“Last week I was in NY at IESE Business School in a program provided by AESE Business School. Of course, being out of my comfort zone made me test my limits and go further.
With Sonia Marciano I had the opportunity to think about the path-dependent innovation. Sometimes we tend to think that innovation is always connected with disruption… but not always.” | Patrícia Candeias

“Just returned from an incredible week in New York City as part of my Executive MBA program at AESE Business School, alongside students from Poland and Japan at IESE Business School New York. We had the opportunity to attend classes and learn from industry experts on topics such as Strategy and Leadership, Artificial Intelligence, Innovation, and current trends in the economy.

Not only did we learn from some of the brightest minds in the industry, with Speakers from Meta (Facebook) and McKinsey, but we also had the chance to visit the offices of some top companies including SAP and JP Morgan. It was truly inspiring to see first-hand how these companies are changing the game and pushing the boundaries of innovation.

What made this week truly special was the amazing friendship bonds we created with our colleagues. Despite our diverse backgrounds and cultures, we all came together to share this incredible experience and support each other throughout the week.” | Russell Coelho

“I just concluded the EMBA International Week Program at IESE Business School in New York City.
It was an amazing experience where I had the opportunity to learn about several topics and trends such as Strategy, Leadership, Artificial Intelligence and Innovation.
I would like to thank AESE Business School, IESE Business School and all the participants in this program!” | Susana Alves

“Grateful to Cracow University of Economics and AESE Business School for the opportunity to join one week programme at the IESE New York, one of the most prestigious, world class business school. In the intense week at the heart of Manhattan we learnt about the latest trends in Strategy, Leadership, Innovations and AI applicability in Finance and Decision Making.
It wasn’t only about classroom learning! We had the opportunity to hit the road and visit 6 stores in Soho, identifying new retail unique strategies. Guest speakers from McKinsey & Co and Meta treated us with fascinating and practical talk about AI usage and Metaverse. We finished the programme visiting SAP Experience Centre and JP Morgan headquarter.

In this intense week, we also found the time for some physical exercise in Central Park, enjoyed sightseeing and the enriching company of those who shared this adventure with me – colleagues from @EMBA27, AESE and Tokyo Meiji.” | Edyta Izabela Gluszek

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